Atlanta ISD Athletic Department
The Atlanta ISD Athletic Department plays a crucial role in the development of students and the success of our district. Our department provides students with opportunities to participate in sports and physical activities, which can improve their physical health and overall well-being. Additionally, participating in sports teaches students valuable life skills, such as teamwork, sportsmanship and perseverance. We also foster school spirit and pride, which brings the community together and creates a positive atmosphere.
Summer Workout Schedules
TOUGH, PHYSICAL & FUNDAMENTAL! Summer workouts are an essential part of preparing for the upcoming seasons.
Middle School Football Schedule
AISD Football Event Ticket Information for 2024-2025
Season tickets are $40 each. Other ticket prices are $6 for adults and $4 for students. Reserved seating is $8. Veterans and Senior Citizens may pick up free passes at the Administration Office. Tickets are available for purchase at the gate with a credit card (no cash). For more information, contact Brenda Webster at 903-796-4194.
Purchase Online Tickets through HomeTown Ticketing
HomeTown Ticketing is the digital ticket provider for Atlanta ISD that offers a convenient purchase option for print-at-home or mobile entry tickets. Visit our HomeTown Ticketing page for more information.
Rabbit Stadium and Event Parking
See our stadium guidelines to ensure that everyone has a safe and enjoyable time supporting the Rabbs.