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Atlanta ISD increases salary scale

Posted Date: 08/24/2022

Atlanta ISD increases salary scale

At its regular meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 23, the Atlanta Independent School District Board of Trustees approved an increase to the 2022-2023 salary scale.

AISD is increasing the teacher salary schedule by 2% of the midpoint, which amounts to $1,007. Every person on the teacher salary scale will receive their regular step increase plus the $1,007.

“One of our main priorities is to attract and retain the very best teachers and staff. We must be competitive in our area to do this,” Board President Charlotte Stanley said. “However, our main goal is to reward teachers for the extraordinary job they are doing in the classroom as evidenced by the high ratings we received from the Texas Education Agency.”

All other pay schedules will receive at least a 2% of the midpoint increase on the newly approved pay scale. 

“We also recognize that a school district cannot be successful without a knowledgeable and extremely competent staff of auxiliary employees. They certainly have earned an increase too,” Stanley said. “This is just one more way to show all of our Atlanta ISD family how much we appreciate them.”

This increase will raise the starting teacher salary scale to $36,167. The scale will top out at 25 years with a salary of $60,547.

“We know that we have the best of the best working for Atlanta ISD, and this increase helps ensure that we can offer a competitive compensation plan,” Superintendent Jason Harris said. “At a time when people are leaving the teaching profession, it’s important to do what we can to retain quality teachers. I am thankful that we have a board who appreciates our staff and has rewarded them for the outstanding job they are doing.”

Contact Information

Atlanta ISD
106 West Main Street
Atlanta, Texas 75551
Phone: (903) 796-4194
Fax: 903-796-1004